Tiskre and Maardu Prisma supermarkets, which opened their doors last year on the commercial premises built by Capital Mill, received LEED certificates for meeting strict environmental sustainability standards. These are the first supermarket-type buildings in Estonia that have been certified.
‘Of the commercial buildings developed by Capital Mill in Estonia, six buildings have now received the LEED environmental certificate. Of these, two LEED certificates were added last week to recognise compliance with environmentally sustainable building standards in the construction of commercial spaces as well,’ said the CEO of Capital Mill, Kaarel Loigu.
According to Kaarel Loigu, A-energy class buildings with sustainable solutions have become a new mandatory level for the developer, and Capital Mill wants to go every step of the way in terms of certification requirements by thinking green. On the other hand, the LEED certificate indicates quality, which helps find tenants for buildings or get better financing conditions.
During LEED certification, the building receives points in different categories, where one of the important indicators is the building’s energy use – heating, cooling, and the consumption of electricity. According to Kaarel Loigu, Maardu Prisma and Tiskre Prisma use environmentally friendly refrigeration equipment. They use natural and water vapour-free refrigerant, which has an ozone depletion coefficient and a very low impact on global warming. For more efficient use of energy and heating of the building, residual heat from the same cooling system is used.
Forus, a company that contributes to safety and sustainability, helped the Prisma supermarkets achieve the certificate, by acting as partner and consultant throughout the process. Kairi Nõulik, Head of the Forus Energy Efficiency department, said that the most environmentally friendly way to heat a building is to use efficient district heating or ground source heat pumps, which have a lower CO2 footprint, instead of fossil fuels. For example, Maardu Prisma is located in an efficient district heating area, and this earned the building extra points for certification.
Kairi Nõulik also stated that she considers the two supermarkets’ lighting system to be one of the most efficient in commercial buildings today. In addition to the measures mentioned above, solar panels were installed on the roof of Tiskre Prisma.
Maardu Prisma, located at Keemikute tee 43, was opened in the summer of 2022. The size of the investment was approximately 4.5 million euros. A charging point for electric vehicles was also built next to Maardu Prisma. Tiskre Prisma, located at Liiva tee 61, opened its doors last autumn. The total investment for the establishment of this centre was nearly 4.5 million euros.
Photos of the Prisma supermarkets: https://bit.ly/3RNAaRd
Additional information:
Kaarel Loigu
CEO of Capital Mill
+372 630 3700